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简介德玛西亚皇子说的是什么? Protect the faithful! 保护忠良! For my father, the king! 为了父王! No quarter for the wicked! 攘除奸邪!...


  Protect the faithful!    保护忠良!    For my father, the king!    为了父王!    No quarter for the wicked!    攘除奸邪!    Find me greater foes!    给我找些更强的敌人!    Who dares defy my will?!    谁敢违抗我的意志?    Stand with me, brothers and sisters!    兄弟姐妹们,和我并肩作战吧!    Demacia - now and forever!    德玛西亚,永世长存!    Today is a good day to die!    视死如归,就在今天!    We shall rest when we are dead!    战斗之心,至死方休!    The only way I could be more epic is if I was purple.    唯一能让我变得更加传奇的方式,就只有登基为王了。    I love a challenge!    我喜欢挑战!    Purge the unjust!    消除不公!    Topple their forces!    击垮敌军!    Righteous retribution!    正义的惩罚!    Ours is but to do and die!    我们的使命,就是力战而亡!    This is Demacian justice!    这就是德玛西亚的正义!    I don't need to hide in brush! No offense Garen…    我不需要躲在草丛里!呃,我不是在贬低盖伦……    Fetch the rest of your team, I'll wait. Demacia, get some!    把你们队的其他人都找来吧,我会在这儿等你们的。    You like my weapon? Come on over for a closer inspection!    喜欢我的武器?那就过来好好看看吧!    Demacia, get some!    德玛西亚,无可匹敌!    Sunder any army! Crumble any mountain! Leap the greatest - OWW, my toe-sies!    阻断军队!粉碎山峰!跨过最长的-噢——,我的脚趾头!    Awareness is the key to victory! Be sure you never let your guard dow - OWIEEE!    洞察力是取胜的关键!一定不要让你的警觉松懈……    By my will - this shall be finished.    犯我德邦者,虽远必诛!

